IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Contents tagged: out-of-hospital care

Oct. 3, 2017 Europe Event

Community health services: Shifting the focus to out-of-hospital care (The Kings Fund)

This one day conference will look at how the health and care system can make the best possible use of community health services to meet the changing needs of the population.

The conference is aimed at:

people working at a local strategic level who want to know how they can shift the focus of care from hospitals to community services – in line with the requirements set out in the NHS five year forward view

people working in community health services that have responsibility for designing services for their population.

Despite a long history of policy initiatives about moving care from hospital to community services, there has not yet been a step-change in the focus of delivery.

Come to the event to find out what new changes are happening nationally to enable community services to take up their role in an integrated health and care system.

Learn from evidence-based examples and ...